Using Summary Drilldown

  1. Open a worksheet that contains one or more summary links, or create a new summary link, and select a value.
  2. Click Summary in the Drilldown section. The Summary Drilldown window is displayed.
    The data filter items that are specified in the summary link are displayed in the Filter section. The Output pane lists the items that are output by the summary link.
  3. Select the items on which to drill down.
    For example, if the summary link outputs the Base Amount, then you can add Account Code to the Output section. In this case, the summary drill down identifies the individual account codes and base amounts. Together, they form the total returned by the summary link.
  4. Click OK. A child worksheet is created containing summary drill down results for each of the selected output items.
    Optionally, you can drill down on the summary drill down, by running a summary drill down on the results in the child worksheet.

    The data output items specified in the summary drill down are used as table headings. If required, then you can change the table headings.

    Note: If the original query definition is modified, then you must save the drill path again.