About Query & Analysis Cloud
These actions can be completed in Q&A Cloud:
- Extract data from multiple objects by defining different types of query formulas in the cells of Excel worksheets.
- Recalculate queries to keep the extracted data current.
- Drill down on aggregated values to display the details of their composition.
- Post transactions from Excel into SunSystems Cloud using Data Send.
User authentication and authorization is facilitated by Infor Federation Services (IFS).
IFS facilitates these features:
- Sign-on and sign-off for the Microsoft Excel add-in
- Security permissions for Q&A Cloud
- QAA-Design
Each user with the QAA-Design role assigned can design queries.
- QAA-Extract
Each user with the QAA-Extract role assigned can extract queries and perform further analysis.
- QAA-DataSend
Each user with the QAA-DataSend role assigned can write data to the DataLink Application.
- QAA-DataSend-<ProductCode>-<DefinitionName>
Each user with the QAA-DataSend-<ProductCode>-<DefinitionName> role assigned is provided with role based security permission for specific Q&A Cloud definition.
- QAA-Administration
Each user with the QAA-Administration role assigned is an administrator in Q&A Cloud.
- QAA-WebExtract
Each user with the QAA-WebExtract role assigned can use only Infor Q&A Excel Web Add-in.
Note:For the existing tenants, both new roles and formerly used roles (QNA-Admini, QNA-User and QNA-Superuser) co-exist in tenant. However, the administrator must configure the application permissions to assign only the new QAA roles (see Configuring Q&A Cloud roles in Infor Ming.le.)
For the new tenants, only new roles will be assigned.
- QAA-Design
- Session timeout