Creating a simple report

When you open Report Designer for the first time, the report layout section is unpopulated. To populate the report layout section, right-click a column heading in the Output section, and select Add All. The Page Header, Details and Totals rows are included by default.

This example includes steps that describe how to create a simple report from a report definition that includes Account Code, Accounting Period and Base Amount. The columns are added to the report in the order that they were added to the report definition. In this example, the Account Code column header is renamed to Accounting Code.

Note: The last column and row are always empty. This makes the report easier to read when it is generated in the Q&A worksheet.
  1. Create a Summary Report or a Detail Report report that includes Account Code, Accounting Period and Base Amount as outputs.
  2. Click Report Style > Designer to open Report Designer.
  3. Right-click an output item in the Output section and select Add All.
    The report design is populated with the default output from your report definition.
  4. In the Output section, right-click the Account Code header and select Edit > Edit Content.
    Alternatively, click the Edit Cell Content button in the Page Header section.
  5. Click the text button and enter Accounting Code to rename the header.
  6. Click OK to save your change.
  7. Click OK to close Report Designer and generate the report.

    The report is generated with these column headings:

    Accounting Code Accounting Period Base Amount
    13000 2005/009 -4,642.11
    14000 2005/009 -4,522.75
    15000 2005/009 -244,912.52
    Total -254,077.38