Query & Analysis Excel Web Add-in overview
This guide provides information about the features and functions of Query & Analysis Cloud Excel Web Add-in.
Q&A Excel Web Add-in works only with the Infor Q&A available in Infor Cloud.
These actions can be completed in Q&A Web Excel Add-in:
- Recalculate
- Range – recalculate a single query definition or a selected range of definitions by highlighting the specific target cells and selecting .
- Worksheet – recalculate all query definitions in your worksheet by selecting .
- Workbook – recalculate all query definitions in your workbook by selecting .
- Analysis
- Transaction – drill down to transaction level by selecting a cell containing summary formula and clicking .
- Summary – drill down to summary level by selecting a summary formula and clicking .
- Expand – view expanded results by selecting a row of cells containing Q&A formula and clicking .
- Breakout – create a new worksheet for each value of the selected field by selecting a worksheet containing Q&A formula and clicking .
- Drill path manager – view your current drill path and the active workbook and worksheets within it by clicking .
There are two user roles available:
- The QAA-Extract
With this role you can use both Q&A Excel Web Add-in and Q&A Excel Desktop Add-in.
- The QAA-WebExtract
With this role you can use only Q&A Excel Web Add-in.