Quarterly P&L

The Quarterly P&L report uses Summary Links and standard Excel functionality to drive the Summary Link formulas for four financial quarters.

This report uses standard Excel validation on the filters and the Excel vertical lookup (VLOOKUP) function for the accounting period selection. The Excel condition (IF) function is used in the calculation of the trend percentages and conditional formatting is used to display the trend arrows.

Excel graphs are used to complement the tabular report structure using data for the financial quarters in columns AA to AL.

Accounting Period selections are driven from rows 62 and 63.

Note: To open the Summary Link screen for the financial quarters, double-click the relevant cell in columns G, K, O and S.

This table shows the filters used on the report:

Filter Value Field reference
Table Ledger (LA) -
Ledger A -
Account Code Row dependent $AG9 - $AH9
Accounting Period 2005/004 - 2005/006 G$62 - G$63
Note: The Filters section on the worksheet is used to control the Business Unit, first financial quarter, and year.