Work Order InfoViewer tabs
This table describes each tab that can appear in the Work Order InfoViewer.
Tab | Description |
Summary | Shows summary information about the work order. You can use the links in the | panel to perform various tasks relating to the work order.
Information | Used to record and view general information about a work order, such as the initiated date, the scheduled date, and the assigned employee. |
Attachments | Used to add attachments to a work order. |
Applications | Shows any use applications associated with the work order. You can also use this tab to add use applications. |
Approvals | Used to record any approvals that are required for the work order. |
Location | Used to record and view location information for the work order, such as the address or GPS coordinates. |
Resource Usage | Used to record resource usage and costs for a work order. |
Comments | Used to record and view miscellaneous comments about the work order. |
Log | Used to record and view log entries for a work order. |
Status Checks | Shows information on the current work order's status checks. |
Failures | Used to record asset failures for the
work order. See Recording a failure. |
Linked Work Orders | Used to link a work order to other work
orders. You can also create a new linked work order. See Linking work orders. |
Schedules | Used to schedule resources for a work
order. See Scheduling resources. |
Planned Tasks | Lists the tasks that are planned for a work order. You can use this tab to add additional tasks and to update completed tasks. |
Cost Summary | Shows a summary of the costs recorded for the current work order. |
Roadway History | For roadway work orders only. Shows a history of changes to the roadway's structure, such as adding or removing length, and how they affect the work order. |
Perf Indicators | Can be used to record performance readings for assets that use performance indicators. |
Safety Messages | Shows any safety messages that are attached to the work order activity or the asset. |
Spot Inspections | Used to add spot inspections to a work order. |