CASS certification
You must first use the Configuration Editor to set up Infor Public Sector to interact with the CASS application. Infor Public Sector currently supports Pitney Bowes CODE-1 Plus and Anchor's MaxCASS. See the Configuration Editor documentation for more information on CASS configuration.
The application will check the information in the contact address fields against the CASS database and correct any errors, such as an incorrect ZIP code. If no matching address is found in the CASS database, Infor Public Sector shows an error message.
In addition, you can use CASS Tasks to start three different batch processes. You can also use the Batch Manager to set up these tasks to run automatically at defined intervals. The
grid shows information on the existing tasks. Click to reload the grid with the most recent information.- Click
to check the address information in the Infor Public Sector CONTACT table against the CASS database. Rather than certifying a single address on the fly, you can check all contact addresses in your database against the latest CASS information and fix any errors.
- Click
to check the address information in the Infor Public Sector ADDRESS table against the CASS database. Note that the CONTACT and ADDRESS tables both contain address information in slightly different formats. The CONTACT table stores contacts' mailing addresses, and the ADDRESS table stores information on the physical addresses within an agency's jurisdiction.
CASS certification is more commonly used for contact mailing addresses, but there may also be cases where agencies want to certify their service addresses. Infor Public Sector provides that option as well.
- Click
to update addresses for contacts who have moved. This task checks the address information in the CONTACT table against the most recent Change of Address file and makes any necessary changes.