Connecting to a mail service and synchronizing calendars

Only employees whose employee record includes an email address with the same domain as the connected mail service can be synchronized.

Note: Each email address can be synchronized with Cronofy only once. In some cases more than one employee might share the same email address. If multiple employee have the same email address, then only one of them can be synchronized.
  1. Select System > Administration > Cronofy Administrator.
  2. Click Action and select Connect.
  3. In the Cronofy authentication window, select the mail service that you are connecting to and follow the steps to authenticate.
    You must use an administrative account to connect to the mail service.
  4. Click Refresh.
    The Synchronized Calendars grid shows the employee email addresses that are currently synchronized.
  5. Click Add above the Synchronized Calendars grid to synchronize additional calendars.
    The Employee popup is shown when you click Add. Select one or more employees in the popup and click Select.
  6. To remove synchronized calendars, select one or more email addresses in the Synchronized Calendars grid and click Disconnect.
  7. To define workflow formulas for calendar events, click Advanced.
    There are two types of formulas, OnBeforeUpsertEvent and OnAfterUpsertEvent.