Entering contact licenses

You can record any licenses held by a contact, such as a contractor's license or an electrical license. In addition to the licenses that are held by a contact directly, you can also add child contacts who hold licenses, indicating that those licenses are available to the parent. For example, you can add employees who hold licenses as child contacts of the company they work for.

  1. Open the correct contact record.
  2. Select the Licenses tab in the Contact InfoViewer.
  3. To record a license held by this contact, click Add above the Licenses for this Contact grid.
  4. Enter the license number and the type of license.
  5. Select the Approved for Provider check box if the license qualifies the contact to act as a service provider in Infor Rhythm for Civics.
    Service providers are contacts who are approved to perform CDR reviews and inspections in Rhythm for Civics. To approve a contact to act as a service provider, you must also select the Approved Service Provider check box on at least one contact information record. See the Infor Rhythm for Civics User and Administration Library for more information.
  6. Click Approve.
  7. In the Child Contacts with Licenses grid, enter any child contacts who hold licenses that you want to be available to the parent.