Defining asset positions

A single address can be the location of multiple assets of the same type, such as multiple water meters. You can limit the number of assets that are allowed at an address by specifying a number of positions. If positions are defined, then you must specify a unique position number when you specify the address for an asset in the asset InfoViewer.

See "Asset Management" in the Infor Public Sector User and Administration Library for more information.

  1. Open an address in the Address InfoViewer.
  2. Select the Positions tab and click Add above the Asset Positions grid.
  3. Specify this information:
    Asset Type
    Select the type of asset that can be located at this address.
    Specify the number of positions for assets of this type at this address.
  4. Optionally, specify other asset location information for the position.
    For example, you can specify an area, a sub area, and a district. The location information that you specify will be copied to the asset record when you assign an asset to a position at this address.

    If you change the location information for an existing position, you can optionally copy the new information to the assets that currently occupy positions at the address.

  5. Click Save.