Billing enhancements
First, there is a new option to close all types of non-occupancy accounts that previously had no path to closure. This includes sundry accounts, address-based accounts without occupancy, identity-based accounts, parcel-based accounts, property-based accounts, and application-based accounts.
To initiate an account closure on the Manage Account page, click the new Finalize Account link on the Manage Account page. This changes the account status to Final, and allows the account to be evaluated for closure by the Close Accounts run.
Second, you can now view service requests and work orders from the Pending Activity and Resolved Activity panels on the Manage Account page.
Finally, there is a new option to reconcile accounts by account type. When you reconcile accounts, use the Account Type field in Create Reconcile Run to specify the account type to use as a selection parameter. This is also available as a parameter for the Reconcile Run task in the Batch Manager.