New journal process
The original journal process uses the formulas defined in the Journal Setup form. The new process ignores these formulas and uses the configuration from the new General Ledger Setup form instead.
If the new journal process is activated, the Journal Run task selects the debit budget number and credit budget number for each transaction based on the general ledger accounts that you define in General Ledger Setup.
The GL Account Mapping grid specifies the debit and credit accounts to use for each transaction based on the transaction type and the amount. After the GL accounts are selected, the journal run gets the budget numbers that are specified for those accounts. Click the button to specify a default budget number for each account. You can also assign different aliases to accounts.
In addition to the default budget number mappings, you can use budget number overrides to select different budget numbers for specific transactions based on the transaction details.
The General Ledger Setup form also includes a GL simulator that you can use to test your mappings. The simulator shows the debit and credit budget numbers for each transaction, and indicates how they were selected.