UCC properties
A User Control Container (UCC) is used to embed a separate applet in a page. For example, many pages in Infor Public Sector use the same set of fields to record contact information. Rather than adding these fields to each page individually, they’re stored in a separate contact control applet, which can then be placed in a UCC on each page that requires the contact fields. Agencies can show system-defined applets in UCCs, or they can show their own agency applets. A UCC can also show an ascx page.
Property | Description |
ID (advanced) | Identification code for the UCC. You cannot change the IDs of the out-of-the-box controls. You can change the IDs that Infor Public Sector generates for agency-defined controls, but we recommend that you use the default values. |
Property | Description |
DisabledCanEdit (advanced) | Indicates whether users can make a disabled control editable by clicking the Enabled property is set to False, or if the page is opened through an InfoViewer. | button at the top of an InfoViewer. A control is disabled if its
Enabled (advanced) | Indicates whether the UCC is enabled. |
Follows After (advanced) | ID of the control that the UCC follows in the page's tab order. |
Required (advanced) | Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will require the user to enter information in the control. |
Property | Description |
RemoteSource (advanced) | Relative path of the ascx page you want to show in the UCC. |
Property | Description |
FollowsBottomEdge | Indicates whether the UCC abuts the bottom of the page or group area it is displayed in. |
FollowsRightEdge | Indicates whether the UCC abuts the right edge of the page or group area it is displayed in. |
Height | Height of the UCC in pixels. |
Width | Width of the UCC in pixels. |
Left (advanced) | Position of the left edge of the UCC, in pixels. |
Top (advanced) | Position of the top of the UCC, in pixels. |
Property | Description |
AppletMoniker | Moniker of the applet to be loaded in the UCC. |
Moniker | Moniker of the business object that the UCC is bound to. |
Bind (advanced) | Business object property the UCC is bound to. This is typically a foreign key of the main business object for the parent page. It is used to link the data in the UCC to the parent record. |