Final bill report

If you want to use the out-of-the-box Bill Template report (under Infor Reports > Billing > Bills > Bill Information Viewer > Information Viewer), you must create a workflow formula to set the values of some of the reports parameters.

The formula must be added to the AfterSortBills event of the BillRun object (Infor Business Objects > Billing > BillRun in the Workflow Manager). Add this formula:

Dim p1 As DBParameter = New DBParameter("@BillRunKey", billRun.BillRunKey, System.Data.DbType.Int32)
p1.Destination = DBParameter.ParameterDestination.StoredProcedure
Dim pams = New DBParameterCollection()
Dim rowsAf As Integer
StoredProcedureProxy.Execute("CORE_CORRESPONDENCE", "USP_BILLOUTPUTPREP", pams, rowsAf)

The formula uses a stored procedure in the database to set the values of the parameters from the bill run.