Using the Configuration Transfer tool

The Configuration Transfer tool takes you through a series of screens where you can select different types of setup records to transfer from the source site to the destination. The basic process is to compare the records in the two databases, checking for configurations that exist in the source but not the destination, and configurations that exist in both instances but in different forms. You can then select which of these records you want to transfer.

  1. Select System > Agency Personalization > Configuration Transfer.
  2. Specify this information:
    Source URL
    Specify the URL of the site from which you are transferring data.
    Specify the user name for the source site.
    Specify the password for the source site.
    Destination URL
    Specify the URL of the site to which you are transferring data.
    Specify the user name for the destination site.
    Specify the password for the destination site.
    Use Bulk Database Inserts
    Select this check box to use bulk insert statements. This can speed up the transfer process.
    Debug Mode
    Select this check box to run the transfer in debug mode. The tool creates temporary files containing the transferred data in the Core\ConfigurationTransferApplet\Data\Default folder of your Infor Public Sector application directory. Normally these files are deleted when the transfer is complete, but they aren't deleted when you run the tool in debug mode. You can then refer to these files to debug the transfer process.
  3. Click Next.
    An informational message appears saying that the next step will validate the environment. Click OK to continue. The Next button is disabled until the validation is finished, which can take a few minutes. You might need to click Refresh before you can continue.
  4. Click Next.
    A message appears asking if you want to back up the destination environment. Click Yes or No.
  5. On the next eleven screens, select the records that you want to transfer.
    Each screen shows a different type of configuration or setup records.

    See Configuration transfer screens.

    Click Begin Comparison on each screen to compare the two databases. The records that you can transfer are then shown in the Results grid. Use the check boxes in the first column of the grid to select the items that you want to transfer, or click Select All. Then click Next.

    You can also click Skip Skip button on any screen to skip that step in the transfer process.

    Some items will be selected automatically if they’re required to support other configurations that you’ve selected to transfer. For example, if you select an application workflow on the Configurations screen, any formulas that are required for that application type will be selected automatically on the Workflows and Formulas screen.

  6. When you're finished selecting configurations, click Transfer on the last screen.