Adding an ION API authorized application

To add an ION API authorized application in Infor Public Sector, you must first download your credentials for the authorized app.

  1. Open the Authorized Apps page in Infor OS Portal.
    • In Infor OS Portal, select API Gateway, then click Authorized Apps in the menu.
    • In Infor Ming.le, select Infor ION API in the App Menu, then click Authorized Apps.
  2. Go to the authorized app that you are using and click Download Credentials.
  3. Select Create Service Account, enter your user name, and click Download.
    The download is an .ionapi file. You will upload this file when you add the authorized application in Infor Public Sector.
  4. In Infor Public Sector, select System > Security > Authorized Applications.
  5. Click the ION API tab.
  6. Click Add above the grid.
  7. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for your authorized app.
    Specify the URL of the endpoint for the authorized app.
    Note: If you are adding an authorized app for your Infor Public Sector site, you can find the endpoint in Infor OS Portal.
    • In Infor OS Portal, select API Gateway.
    • In Infor Ming.le, select Infor ION API in the App Menu.

    Select Infor Public Sector in the list of available APIs. In the Endpoints grid, find the IPS/rest/api endpoint and click the arrow in the Details column. The URL for the endpoint is shown at the top of the details page.

    ION API File
    Upload the .ionapi file that contains your credentials.
  8. Click Save.