Report formulas

These samples show some different ways to write formulas for formula reports.

No output

This formula specifies no report output. When the report is run, the default message specified in the Run Message field will be shown.

output = New Hansen.Core.Reports.FormulaOutput()
Return Result.Success

No output with message

This formula also specifies no report output, but it shows a custom message rather than the default message from the Run Message field.

This example also shows how the formula can include the values of parameters defined in the Reports Manager. In this case, PrimaryKey is a component list parameter that points to the primary key of the component for the page that the report is attached to. For example, if the report is attached to the Building Application InfoViewer, then the primary key is BuildingApplication.BuildingApplicationKey.

Dim primaryKey As Integer = input.Parameters.Item("PrimaryKey")
output = New Hansen.Core.Reports.FormulaOutput()
output.NoOutputRunMessage = "Custom message " & primaryKey.ToString()
Return Result.Success

No output with multiple keys

This formula also specifies no report output. It is similar to the previous example, but it shows how a report formula can include the primary keys of multiple records selected from a lookup grid or from the Map Browser.

Dim primaryKeys As List(Of Object) = new List(Of Object)
if TypeOf input.Parameters.Item("PrimaryKey") Is List(Of Object) Then
    primaryKeys = input.Parameters.Item("PrimaryKey")
End If
Dim keys As String = ""
For Each item As Object In primaryKeys
    keys &= item.ToString() & ", "
If Not keys.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() Then
    keys = keys.Substring(0, keys.Length - 2)
End If
output = New Hansen.Core.Reports.FormulaOutput()
output.NoOutputRunMessage = "Custom message " & keys
Return Result.Success

Send a notification

This formula sends a notification to the primary applicant on a building application.

Dim res As Result = Result.Success

Dim primaryKey As Integer = input.Parameters.Item("PrimaryKey")
Dim app = ServerApplication.NewComponent(Of Hansen.CDR.Building.IBuildingApplication)
app.PrimaryKey = primaryKey
res = app.LoadByKey()
Dim primary As Hansen.CDR.Building.IApplicant
res = app.Applicants.GetPrimaryApplicant(primary)
Dim contact = primary.Contact
res = Hansen.Resources.Notifications.NotificationService.Send
     ("Test Message", "SBCUSTOM", app, contact)
output = New Hansen.Core.Reports.FormulaOutput()
output.NoOutputRunMessage = "Custom message " & primarykey.ToString()
return res

Another report

This formula shows a report that is configured in the Reports Manager under the General Reports node. The Name property of the report request specifies the name of the general report, and the ExportType property specifies the output.

Dim result as Result = Result.Success

Dim primaryKey As Integer = input.Parameters.Item("PrimaryKey")
Dim reportRequest = new Hansen.Core.Report.Management.ReportRequest()

reportRequest.Name = "CustomReport"
reportRequest.ExportType = "pdf"

reportRequest.Parameters.Add("ApplicationKey", primaryKey)
Dim reportService = ServerApplication.Resolve
     (Of Hansen.Core.Report.Management.IReportManagementService)
Dim reportResponse As Hansen.Core.Report.Management.ReportResponse = 
output = New Hansen.Core.Reports.FormulaOutput()
output.OutputStream = reportResponse.OutputStream
output.ContentType = reportResponse.ContentType
output.Filename = reportResponse.Filename
Return result

Notification with attachment

This is similar to the previous example, but the report is sent as an email attachment.

Dim result as Result = Result.Success

Dim primaryKey As Integer = input.Parameters.Item("PrimaryKey")
Dim reportRequest = new Hansen.Core.Report.Management.ReportRequest()

reportRequest.Name = "CustomReport"
reportRequest.ExportType = "pdf"
Dim application = ServerApplication.NewComponent
     (Of Hansen.CDR.Building.IBuildingApplication)
application.PrimaryKey = primaryKey
result = application.LoadByKey()
Dim primary As Hansen.CDR.Building.IApplicant
result = application.Applicants.GetPrimaryApplicant(primary)

reportRequest.Parameters.Add("ApplicationKey", primaryKey)
Dim reportService = ServerApplication.Resolve
     (Of Hansen.Core.Report.Management.IReportManagementService)
Dim reportResponse As Hansen.Core.Report.Management.ReportResponse = 
Dim contact = primary.Contact
Dim message As New Hansen.Resources.Notifications.NotificationMessage
     (Nothing, "Test Message", application, "DEFINED_NOTIFICATIONTYPE", Nothing, Nothing)
message.ReferenceContact = contact
Dim attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(reportResponse.OutputStream, 
result = Hansen.Resources.Notifications.NotificationService.Send(message)
output = New Hansen.Core.Reports.FormulaOutput()
output.NoOutputRunMessage = "Report has been emailed to the primary applicant."
Return result