Confirming backordered parts

If there is not enough stock on hand to fulfill an issue or transfer request, you can use the Materials Manager's Fulfillment tab to mark the parts as backordered. This will change the status of the issue or transfer request line item to Back Ordered. The requesting employee can then look up the requisition and see that the parts are out of stock.

  1. Select Inventory > Materials Management > Materials Manager.
  2. Specify your stock area in the Stock Area field.
  3. Click the Fulfillment tab.
  4. Specify this information to search for the issue or transfer request:
    Requisition #
    Specify the requisition number of the order.
    Specify the status of the order.
    Request Type
    Specify the request type.
    Need By
    Specify the date by which the parts are required.
  5. Select one or more line items in the grid, and click Confirm Backorder.
    The status of each selected line item is changed to Back Ordered and removed from the grid.