Downloading records

Depending on your agency's configuration, various records will be downloaded to the mobile device automatically. For example, shared resources and work records are downloaded the first time you log in to the app. You can also download records manually as required. For example, if you know you are about to go offline, you can download a set of work records.

  1. In the mobile app, select Synchronize from the menu.
  2. Select the records that you want to download.
    Set Work Records to Yes to download the work records from the current query, such as a set of work orders. You can also select the Advanced check box to download additional records.
    • Set Shared Resources to Yes to download shared resources. Shared resources are various setup records and other resources that are used throughout the system, such as assets, parts from the part catalog, and contacts. Shared resources do not change as often as work records, but the records stored on the mobile device may need to be updated from time to time.
    • Set Code Definitions to Yes to download code definitions. Like shared resources, code definitions do not change as often as work records, but they may need to be updated on the mobile device from time to time.
    • Set Offline Map Content to Yes to download map data for offline use.
  3. Tap OK.