Service request viewer buttons
This table describes each button in the service request viewer in the mobile app:
Button | Description |
Return Closes the service request and returns you to the location from which you opened it. |
Print Report Used to print any reports that are associated with the current record. Depending on how your agency has configured its reporting application, you can print to an agency server, print through the cloud, print locally through a wireless connection such as Bluetooth, or email the report. |
Start Starts the timer, which can be used to record the time taken to complete a service request inspection. |
Stop Stops the timer. |
Save Saves any changes that you have made to the service request record. |
Save and Close The button is displayed when you record resource usage. Tap it to save your changes and close the resource usage screen. Tapping on this screen will save your changes and keep the screen open so that you can record additional resource usage. |
Record Results Used to record service request inspection results, or to resolve a completed service request. |
Action Used to complete actions such as rescheduling or reassigning a service request. Tap the button to show a list of options.You can also use the Set Location, then tap . button to set the location of the service request to your current GPS position. Tap and select |
Get Directions Shows directions from your current location to the location of the service request. |
Attachment This button is displayed on the Attachment tab. It can be used to add new attachments to the current service request. |
Add Resource Usage This button is displayed on the Resource Usage tab. It can be used to add resource usage to the current service request. |
Add Usage Group This button is displayed on the Resource Usage tab. It can be used to record resource usage based on a usage group. |
Add Usage This button appears on the Add usage items from a group screen, which appears when you add usage for a usage group. It is used to record usage for the selected resources. |