MapDrawerProviders configuration

The MapDrawerProviders configuration defines GIS providers for use in Infor Public Sector. Each provider connects your system to a GIS data source such as ArcGIS Online. The root PROVIDERS node has one or more provider nodes as children. Each provider node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
about Description of or information about the provider.
config Specify the connection settings for your GIS. The value will be an XML <CONFIG> element.

See Configuring a provider.

When you upgrade a provider, the settings from the config attribute are used to create the AUTHENTICATION and SERVERS nodes for the provider. The config attribute on the provider node is then cleared.

See Upgrading a provider.

default Indicates whether this is your default provider. Only one provider can be set as the default. When you change the value to True for one provider, the value for all other providers automatically changes to False.
name Name of the provider.
sourceproj4 Proj4 definition for the spatial reference specified in the sourcesrs attribute.

For example, if the SRS is 7855, you would specify this definition:

+proj=utm +zone=55 +south +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs

sourcesrs Spatial reference system for the provider. Use this attribute and the sourceproj4 attribute instead of the srs attribute if your provider uses an unsupported SRS code.

See Unsupported SRS codes.

srs Spatial reference system for the provider.
Note: Not all spatial reference systems are supported out of the box. You can use the sourcesrs and sourceproj4 attributes to specify a custom or unsupported SRS.
type Type of service for the provider. Can be MapService_ArcGISServer, MapService_OGC, or MapService_none.

Each provider node can have two children: AUTHENTICATION and SERVERS. These are generated for you when you upgrade a provider.

See Upgrading a provider.


The AUTHENTICATION node has one or more child authentication nodes as children. Each child authentication node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Access Id Access ID to restrict access to this authentication strategy.
Access Token Long-lived token used to access the server.
Application Client Id Application identifier for ESRI Portal or ArcGIS Online.
Application Client Secret Application secret key for ESRI Portal or ArcGIS Online. This can be used instead of a named user.
Authentication Type Type of authentication use for the server. The value can be OAUTH or TOKEN. The default is TOKEN.
OwningSystemUri URI of the system owning server. This is an optional attribute that you can use with federated services.
RedirectUri Redirect URI to use for authentication.
Requested Token Timeout Minutes before access tokens time out.
Server URI URI of the server.
Token Caching Enabled Indicates whether access tokens are cached.
Token Parameter Name Parameter name for the access token.
Token Service URI URI of the service that generates access tokens.
User Password Password to access the server.
Username User name to access the server.


The SERVERS node has one or more service nodes as children. Each service node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Disabled Set the value to True to disable this service.
Service Alias Agency-defined identifier for the service.
Service URL URL of the service, such as the URL of a map service or a feature service.

Each service node has two children: DATASETS and OPTIONS.

The DATASETS node has one or more layer nodes as children. Each layer node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
about Description of or comments about this dataset.
Disabled Set the value to True to disable this dataset.
Geometry Type Type of features contained in the layer. Can be none, point, area, linear, image, multipoint, or multiline.
Hansen Moniker Moniker of the Infor Public Sector component that the layer is linked to. If the layer isn’t linked to any records in Infor Public Sector, such as a layer that only shows images, do not enter a moniker. The moniker is case-sensitive.

See Common monikers and asset type codes.

Layer Alias Name for the dataset as used in Infor Public Sector. This is the label that is displayed on the Layers tab.
Layer Id ID of the layer in the GIS data source that supplies the dataset.
Layer Name Name of the layer in the GIS data source that supplies the dataset.
Where Clause Used to filter the records returned for the dataset.

Each layer node can have two children: FIELDS and OPTIONS. The FIELDS node has one or more field nodes as children. Each field node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Disabled Set the value to True to disable this field.
Field Alias Alias of the field in the GIS.
Field DataType Data type of the field. The accepted values are date, double, geometry, integer, number, oid, smallinteger, and string.
Field Name Name of the field in the GIS.
IPS Field Identifier Unique identifier used to link the field to a dataset in the MapDrawerDatasets configuration if a fully qualified path isn't provided.
Primary Key Set to True if the field is the primary key for the feature type.
Text Length Maximum number of characters in the field.

Each option node has two attributes:

Attribute Description
id Identifier for the option.
value Value of the option.