"Created" and "Modified" fields

To support incremental synchronization, you can indicate which fields in the GIS layer store the date a record was created and the date it was last updated. Use the Created Date Field and Modified Date Field lists to select the correct fields.

The synchronization process can then use these dates to filter the records that it pulls from the GIS dataset. A GIS layer can include hundreds of thousands of records, so it would be inefficient to pull all of them every time you synchronize data. With incremental synchronization, the process will only include records that have changed since the last synchronization.

Do not specify anything in the Modified Date Field list if the GIS doesn't track modified dates.

If you specify a modified data field, the system will attempt an incremental sync. This will lead to erroneous results if the modified date isn't tracked in the GIS. If no modified date field is specified, the system will perform a full synchronization rather than an incremental sync.

The last synchronization date is displayed in the Last Batch Export Date field in the Create GIS Mapping form or the GIS Mapping InfoViewer.

Note: By default, the synchronization process uses the time zone specified in the GIS. If you want to use a different time zone, select the time zone from the GIS Time Zone list. You can also set time zones for individual field mappings.

You can also use the Created By Field and Modified By Field lists to indicate which fields store the user ID or employee ID of the person who created or last updated a record.