Unsupported SRS codes
The provider that you are upgrading might use an unsupported SRS authority code, such as
ESPG:7855. If so, you can use the MapDrawerProviders configuration to indicate how the spatial
reference should be converted.
In the MapDrawerProviders configuration, the srs attribute on the provider node is normally use to specify the SRS code. To use an unsupported code, add these attributes to the provider node before upgrading:
- sourcesrs: Specify the spatial reference system for the provider, such as 7855.
- sourceproj4: Specify the proj4 definition for
the spatial reference specified in the sourcesrs
For example, for SRS 7855 you would specify this definition:
+proj=utm +zone=55 +south +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs