Filters attributes
node can have one node as a child. The node has one or more nodes as children. Filters apply selection criteria to the records that are displayed by a command. Each node has these attributes:Attribute | Description |
key | Property of the parent object on which the Map Drawer will
filter records. For example, the Submit a Service Request Map Drawer includes an Open Work Orders command with a filter that only shows work orders that aren’t completed. This filter uses the IsCompleted property of the WorkOrder object (specified in the querymoniker attribute of the parent command), and only shows work orders where the value of this property is False. This attribute only applies to compproperty filters. |
type | Type of filter. Can be one of these values:
value | For compproperty filters, this attribute specifies the
value of the property on which the Map Drawer will filter records. For sql
filters, this is the SQL WHERE statement. The “WHERE” is assumed, so the SQL
statement shouldn’t include it. For both types of filters, the value can use parameters that are defined in the node. For a compproperty filter, you specify the name of the parameter that will supply the value for the filter. For sql filters, you can use parameters in your SQL statements. To use a parameter, specify the parameter name surrounded by square brackets, such as [PARAM1]. If the parameter represents a date/time or text property, enclose the name in single quotes, such as ‘[PARAM2]’. |