The PICKER node adds the template picker tool. The template picker is used to select a template when you add a new annotation. The available templates are defined in the annotation service.

The PICKER node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accordion If the grouping attribute is set to True, the accordion attribute defines how the groups are displayed. If you set the value to True, the group boxes will initially be collapsed, and only one group box can be expanded at a time.
closable Indicates whether the user can close the template picker.
collapsible Indicates whether the user can collapse the template picker.
disabled Set to True to disable the template picker.
grouping Indicates whether the template picker will group templates according to their feature types, such as points, lines, and areas.
keepSelected Indicates whether the selected template will remain selected when the user finishes adding a feature.
showFadeButton Indicates whether the template picker tool will show a Fade All button. The user can click this button to fade all annotations on the map.
showFilter Indicates whether the template picker tool will show a Filter button. Clicking the Filter button shows a field that can be used to filter the templates in the list.
title Display title of the template picker tool. The default title is Annotation Template Picker.
toggleKeys Keyboard sequence to enable the template picker.