MapDrawerDatasets configuration
The root
node in the MapDrawerDatasets configuration stores settings that are necessary for your map service to connect properly with your GIS application. Some of the attributes may be used for one provider, but may not be applicable for another provider.The
node has these attributes:Attribute | Description |
bingmapskey | Bing Maps API key. A key is required for use of Bing Maps. |
enginetype | Map engine. Must be esri or openlayers.
Refer to your ESRI licensing agreement if you want to use the ESRI map
engine. Required for both ESRI and OGC. |
esriapi | Location of the ESRI Javascript API. The ArcGIS API for
JavaScript is a browser-based API for developing mapping applications. You can
use the API to embed maps in your web pages. You can use the online API from ESRI or you can set up your own local hosted copy. See Setting up a hosted ArcGIS JavaScript API. Required for ESRI. Not applicable to OGC. |
geometryservice | URL of the ESRI geometry services. Required for ESRI. Not applicable to OGC. |
jsload | Script evaluated after executing the script specified by
the jsmixin
attribute, and before finalizing the map. Required for OGC. For example, this script specifies a map layer for token security access:
Note: For agencies using Open Layers, we recommend that the
spatial reference definition be provided here. The spatial reference
definition is a list of values in a file format that the Open Layers
application can use to accurately render the map. Not providing the
definition here may result in a loss of performance and reliability. A list
of spatial reference definitions is available at
This example shows a declaration for projection EPSG:3421:
The link for this definition is Click Proj4js under to see the definition. An alternate solution is to create the definition as a file using the naming convention of EPSGxxx.js, where xxx is the projection number. Put the file in the \Client\Map\static\proj4js\lib\defs directory. For this example the file name would be EPSG3421.js. |
jsloaded | Location of external JavaScript code to be executed after the map is loaded. |
jsmixin | Script used to extend existing namespaces or introduce additional namespaces before loading the map. |
jsready | Location of the JavaScript file Ready application. This is executed after the file is loaded. |
olapi | Location of the Open Layers API library. No value is
required unless you want to override the default location. Note: This application is part of the Infor Public Sector installation. The default location is the Client\Map directory.
Not applicable to ESRI. Optional for OGC. |
oldojoapi | Location of the Open Layers Dojo mapping component. The
Dojo toolkit is an open-source modular JavaScript library designed to aid in
the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and
web sites. No value is required unless you want to override the default
location. Note: This application is part of the Infor Public Sector installation. The default location is the Client\Map directory.
Not applicable to ESRI. Optional for OGC. |
olproj4js | Location of the Open Layers Proj4js JavaScript library.
Open Layers uses this library to perform spatial transformations. No value is
required unless you want to override the default location. Note: This application is part of the Infor Public Sector installation. The default location is the Client\Map directory.
Not applicable to ESRI. Optional for OGC. |
The root
node can have up to five children: , , , , and .