
Keywords represent values in your database that you want to make available for use in export and import processes. Each keyword serves as a placeholder for a piece of data that you want to include, such as a customer's name or the date of a bill.

A business object keyword represents a selected business object property, which corresponds to the column in the database that stores the desired data. For example, if you want to include the bill date in correspondence concerning a bill, you would create a keyword for the BillDate property of the Hansen.Billing.Bill object. You can create business object keywords for both Infor business objects and agency business objects.

Note: To create keywords for agency business objects you must ensure that the objects are named correctly. Periods (.) are not supported in keyword names. If you plan to create keywords for agency objects, ensure that you don't use periods in your agency product family names, or in the common IDs of your agency tables and columns.

You can apply rules to business object keywords to create derived keywords. Each rule transforms the business object keyword in some way, such as truncating a string or rounding a number to a certain number of decimal places.

If you specify multiple rules for a derived keyword, they are applied cumulatively. The first rule transforms the base keyword, the second rule transforms the value returned by the application of the first rule, and so on.

For example, suppose the base keyword is KW_Hansen.Billing_Bill_BillKey, and you first add the rule Currency TotalPaymentsOnBill( Integer billKey ). After the application of this rule, the value of the derived keyword is TotalPaymentsOnBill(), with data type Currency. The next rule that you add will be applied to this value, not the original base keyword.

See Rules.

Finally, you can define custom variable keywords, which represent fixed values rather than data in the database. You can import existing custom variables, or you can use the Keyword Manager to add new custom variables.