Fee types
After you've defined fee types you can use License Workflow to add them to license types or milestones.
Fee types are organized into four categories: At Cost, Initial Deposit, Additional Deposit, and Standard.
At cost fees are fees that are charged based on the length of an inspection or review and an hourly rate defined by your agency.
An Initial Deposit fee is the required amount an applicant must provide to establish a deposit account, which can then be used to pay at cost fees.
If the deposit account drops below a minimum balance, Infor Public Sector may require additional deposits into the account before work can continue. Initial and additional deposit fees help ensure that work performed on the application will be paid.
All other fees, such as intake, handling, or code violation fees, are defined as standard.
For each fee type you can also define multiple versions with different effective dates. Each version defines one way of calculating the fee, so you can keep track of how these calculations change over time. You can also select a date property that tells Infor Public Sector which fee version to use for an individual license. For example, if you select the application date, Infor Public Sector will charge each license the version of the fee that was effective at the time the application was added, even if the version has since changed.