Custom validation formulas

Custom validation formulas can be used to validate the data that users enter when creating applications, licenses, and cases in the CDR modules.

To add a custom validation formula, open the Workflow Manager (System > Agency Personalization > Workflow Manager) and browse to the CustomValidate event for the object that you're working with. The CustomValidate event is available for these objects:

  • CDR.Building.BuildingApplication
  • CDR.BusinessLicense.LicenseApplication
  • CDR.CodeEnforcement.Case
  • CDR.Planning.PlanningApplication
  • CDR.Project.ProjectApplication
  • CDR.TradeLicense.TradeLicense
  • CDR.UseApplication.UseApplication
Note: The same objects also have two events called CustomValidatePortalInfo and CustomValidatePortalDetails, which can be used to validate the data that users enter when submitting applications in Rhythm for Civics. See the Infor Rhythm for Civics User and Administration Library on for more information.

The CustomValidate event is triggered when the user saves an application, license, or case, in the start process, such as when starting a new building application. The formula is typically used to validate the data that the user has entered. For example, the formula might indicate that certain priority codes are invalid for certain application types.

Note: Each CDR module also has a Filter Code Setup form that you can use to control the data that users can enter. You can create filters based on a limited number of values, such as filtering the work types that are available for a specific building application type. If the values that you want to filter are not available in Filter Code Setup, you can use a CustomValidate formula instead.

The CustomValidate event is also triggered when the user selects CDR fees for payment in the Cash Register.

If you want the CustomValidate formula to fire only in the start process, then wrap your formula in this If statement:

If BuildingApplicationKey <= DbNullRec.Value


End if	 

If you want the CustomValidate formula to fire only in the Cash Register, wrap your formula in this If statement:

If BuildingApplicationKey > DbNullRec.Value


End if