Searching for cash drawers
When you open Monitor Cashiering, Infor Public Sector shows all non-closed cash drawers in the tree. The root node has a subnode for each register group. The nodes for individual drawers are grouped under their associated register groups. Note that Infor Public Sector shows an alert icon for any drawer in the tree that is over its cash limit. You can also select a status from the Drawer Status list to filter the drawers in the tree. Select the status of the drawers you want to view and click .
You can click any drawer in the tree to show its information in the right pane. Below the basic drawer information, Infor Public Sector shows all of the drawer's transactions on a set of tabs. You can use the links in the panel to perform administrative tasks such as counting drawers in and out and adjusting drawers. The available links will vary depending on the status of the drawer.