Cashiering transactions
There are two general types of transactions in Infor Public Sector Cashiering: register transactions and drawer
Register transactions are transactions that occur using a cash register, including payments and tender exchanges. A single register transaction can include multiple charges paid with several payment methods as long as they're paid simultaneously.
Use Lookup Register Transactions or Monitor Cashiering to view register transactions. These are the types of register transaction:
- TenderExchange: Added when the Cash Register is used to cash a check.
- NoSale: Added when the Cash Register is used to perform a "no sale" transaction.
- Overage: Not used.
- Pay: Added when a payment is made.
- Refund: Not used.
- Shortage: Not used.
- Void: Not used.
Each register transaction has one or more drawer transactions associated with it. Drawer transactions are transactions that are performed on a cash drawer, such as adjustments, deposits, and payments.
Use Lookup Drawer Transactions or Monitor Cashiering to view drawer transactions. These are the types of drawer transaction:
- Adjustment: Used to adjust the balance of a cash drawer.
- Change: Used to return change to a customer.
- Deposit: Added when a drawer deposit
is made.
See Drawer deposits.
- NoSale: Added when the Cash Register is used to perform a "no sale" transaction.
- Payment: Added when a payment is made.
- Refund: Not used.
- Void: When a drawer transaction is voided, a separate void transaction is added to roll back the original transaction amount.