Setting up cashiering information
- Select Cashiering > Cashiering Setup.
- Select the General Settings node in the Cashiering Setup tree.
- Click Edit.
In the Drawer
Type list, select the type of cash drawer your cashiering system
The drawer type sets how cash drawers are assigned. Cash drawers can be assigned in one of these ways:
- Cashier-Based: Cash drawers are assigned to individual cashiers and each drawer is the responsibility of the employee to whom it is assigned. Multiple cash drawers can be used at a single register, with each cashier placing payments into his or her assigned cash drawer. If you select this option, the Cashier field will be required when you define a cash drawer.
- Register-Based: Cash drawers are assigned to individual registers that can be accessed by multiple cashiers. Cashiers can rotate to different registers and drawers. If you select this option, the Register ID field will be required when you define a cash drawer.
Specify the standard tax rate that will be applied to taxable
external charges in the Tax
Rate field.
You must specify the tax rate as a decimal and not a percentage. For example, if your tax rate is 7.5%, specify it as 0.0750.
If you want to use something other than the register
transaction number for your receipt numbers, specify a formula in the Receipt Number Formula
By default Infor Public Sector shows the register transaction number on each receipt. You can use the formula to include additional information and formatting in the receipt number. For example, you might want the receipt number to include a code for the location of the transaction.
- Click Save.