Changing the account owner

Some agencies keep the same account when a property changes ownership, and transfer the existing account to the new owner. In such cases you will typically need to manage various settings and plans associated with the account, such as exemptions and budget billing plans. For example, you might want to clear any bankruptcies, delinquencies, or payment arrangements when an account changes ownership, because the new owner is not responsible for them.

Infor Public Sector uses a wizard to guide you through the process of selecting which information you want to keep and which you want to clear. Depending on your system configuration, you can also change the due dates of unpaid bills. The account's Send Bills To and Send Notices to contacts will also be updated.

The Change Owner Setup form is used to configure this process. See the Infor Public Sector Billing Administration Guide.

Note: Do not use this process if you only want to add a responsible party to an account without affecting any of the associated information. For that you can use the Add New link in the Responsible Party section of the Account Contacts dialog box.

See Contact roles.

  1. Select Billing > Manage Account.
  2. Load the correct account.
  3. On the Maintenance tab, under Account, click Change Owner.
    The Change Owner link can also be displayed in the Quick Links panel on the Summary tab.
  4. Specify the new owner of the account.
    You can use an existing contact or you can create a new one.

    To use an existing contact, enter your search criteria on the Contact Search tab and click Search. Then select a contact in the grid and click Select. The contact's information is displayed on the Contact Information tab.

    To create a new contact, select the Contact Information tab and enter the contact's details.

  5. Click Save.
    The selected contact is shown in the Responsible Party grid. You can add one or more additional responsible parties by clicking Add above the grid.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify the date the ownership change is effective in the Change of Ownership field.
  8. Indicate which settings you want to retain from the previous owner, and which you want to clear.
    The options that you see will depend on your system configuration and the settings that are currently selected for the account. For each setting you must select Retain or Clear. For example, you might retain a tax exemption from the previous owner, but you might clear a bankruptcy.
  9. Click Next.
    If your system is configured to allow you to change the due dates of unpaid bills, you will see a Bills grid on the next page.
  10. To change the due dates of one or more bills, select the bills in the grid and specify the new due date in the Due Date field.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Click Save.