Adding a surety bond to an account
Some agencies allow customers in certain account classes to post surety bonds rather
than paying deposits on their accounts. A surety bond is issued by a third party to cover
possible debts and delinquencies. For example, if a closed account has delinquent charges,
the agency can collect on the bond.
Note that you can only add a bond to an account if its account class allows surety bonds. You can indicate that an account class allows surety bonds when you edit the Class code definition, using either Code Definition Management or the Account Class popup. (On the Manage Account page, the Account Class field is displayed on the Profile tab. To add or edit a code definition, click in the upper right corner of the panel, click the popup button to the right of the Account Class field, and then click or in the grid. To allow surety bonds for the account class, select the Allow surety bonds check box.)