If you determine that you won't be able to collect on a bill, you can write off all or
part of the bill's balance. When you write off a bill, Infor Public Sector creates adjustment transactions to bring all line items to 0.00, or
to reduce the bill's balance by a specified amount. If the bill has been penalized, you can
also write off the penalty
Load the bill you want into the Bill InfoViewer.
You access the Bill InfoViewer by clicking the Bill # link on any form that shows the
Click Write Off
in the upper right corner of the InfoViewer.
Infor Public Sector shows the Write
Off dialog box.
Specify the adjustment type Infor Public Sector will use to write off each line item in the Adjustment Type field.
Specify the reason for the write off in the Reason field.
If you've defined a default write off adjustment type and
reason code for the bill type, Infor Public Sector
automatically enters those codes in the Adjustment Type and Reason fields. You can also
change the defaults if necessary.
Specify the amount you're writing off in the Principal Amount field.
The maximum amount you can write off is displayed in the
Max Write Off
Amount field. If the bill has been penalized, the penalty amount
is displayed in the Penalty
Amount field. To write off the penalty as well, select the
Waive Penalty
check box.
Click Write Off.