Creating a tenant account

In addition to the owner account, there can be one or more active tenant accounts per service address at any one time. The owner account remains in effect, but it might or might not carry billable services if a tenant is present, depending on your system configuration.

Note: You can specify the maximum number of owner accounts and the maximum number of tenant accounts that are allowed at an address on the Services tab of the Address InfoViewer.

Account services can be designated as owner services, tenant services, or both. When a tenant moves in, any eligible tenant services are stopped for the owner account and started for the tenant account. When the tenant moves out, the same services are restarted for the owner account.

  1. Select Billing > Manage Account.
  2. Load the existing owner account for the property where the tenant is moving in.
  3. Click Create New Account.
    A Confirmation dialog box is displayed, asking you to confirm that you want to create an account. If more than one address-based occupancy account type is available, a list of account types is shown, with the account type of the owner account selected by default. You must use the same account type to create the tenant account.
  4. Click Yes.
  5. Select Tenant next to Are you moving in as an owner or tenant? in the Move In Account dialog box.
  6. Follow the script in the Move In Account dialog box to collect the rest of the customer's information.
  7. When you have finished collecting the customer's information, click OK.
    A summary of the account information is shown. If the information is correct, click Save. Otherwise you can click Cancel to return and update the information.

    When you click Save, Infor Public Sector creates a new account with a status of Initialized and assigns it an account number according to the rules defined for the account type.

    The final step is handled by a Finalize Move In task in the Batch Manager. See "Batch Processing" in the Infor Public Sector User and Administration Library for details.