Move out configuration
Move Out Setup defines the script that your customer service representatives follow when customers call to move out of their current addresses. This script is displayed in the Move Out Account dialog box when the Move Out Account link on the Manage Account page is clicked.
Like the move in process, the move out process has two stages: initialization and finalization. You can also modify or cancel a move out.
Move Out Setup shows these tabs:
- Initialize: The Initialize tab is where you define the script your CSRs will follow. This script consists of a series of questions and messages for the customer that are displayed in the Move Out Account dialog box that is displayed when the Move Out Account link on the Manage Account Page is clicked.
Some prompts also include a grid where you can add knowledge base links for commonly asked questions. For each link, the text entered in the Text Link field in the appropriate section of the Move Out Account dialog box is displayed. The text is linked to the knowledge base entry specified in the Knowledge Base Description field.
: Some parts of the script are displayed in a fixed order, but
you can use the grid on this tab to define the order in which you want to show the
prompts relating to the customer's forwarding information and the account services.
If the customer is moving to another address within your service area and wants to
set up a new account, the CSRs use the move out script to gather the information
required to initialize the new account. - Finalize: Used to define a default billing status and service status that is assigned to closed accounts when the move out is finalized, and as a resolution code to use for the final reading service request. The grid determines how the meter reading is selected to use as the account's final reading, such as the most recent reading within a set number of days before the move out date.
- Modify: Used to define options to modify move out information.
- Cancel: Used to define options to cancel a move out. The Reading Request Resolution field specifies the resolution code to use if a service request has been created to take a final meter reading.