
Your agency can allow customers to include donations when they pay their bills. Before you can accept donations, you must use the Feature Switches form to activate the Donations feature. You can then use the Donation Setup form to specify a default donation amount.

You must also set up one or more donation line items and associate them with the appropriate bill types. A donation is a special type of one-off line item.

See Creating a one-off line item type.

After donations are configured, Infor Public Sector shows a Donation Included check box along with the payment fields in Receive Payment and Process Payments. If you select this check box, Infor Public Sector will enter the default donation amount in the field to the right of the check box. You can then either use the default amount or change it if the customer wants to donate a different amount. You can also accept donations for billing charges in Infor Public Sector Cashiering.