Contact address display options

The Account Contacts Refinements feature is an optional feature that can be enabled with a feature toggle. If it is enabled, then more detailed address information is shown when users specify Send Bill To, Send Bill Copies To, and Send Notices To contacts in the Manage Account page.

If the Account Contacts Refinements feature is not enabled, then each mailing address and each email address from each of the contact's contact information records is shown in a single list.

Contact tree with toggle off

If the Account Contacts Refinements feature is enabled, then the mailing address and the email address from the specific contact information record that is associated with the current account are shown first. Addresses from other contact information records are shown under the Other contact addresses node.

Contact tree with toggle on

The ACCOUNT node in the Billing configuration defines additional display options, such as showing the contact type and primary key of the contact information record in parentheses after each address. For example, if contact information keys are shown, you can use them to match the mailing address and email address from the same contact information record.

See ACCOUNT node.