Customers may be eligible for rebates on their bills based on various types of
entitlements. A rebate can be calculated as either a percentage or a flat dollar
Infor Public Sector uses rebate groups to define the various types of rebates that are available. You can use the Rebate Group form (BRG) to define rebate groups, and use the Entitlement Type form (BET) to associate rebate groups with entitlement types. To indicate which line items are eligible for rebates, you must assign rebate groups to one-off and service-based line items.
For each rebate group you can also define a maximum annual rebate amount. Depending on your system configuration, rebates for specific billing periods may be prorated based on the annual maximum. Prorating options are defined in the Billing configuration.
To use rebates, you must activate the Rebates feature in Feature Switches.