Suspense account types
You can designate one account type to use for suspense accounts by clicking the Use for Suspense Accounts link when creating or editing the account type. We recommend that you make the account type for suspense accounts identity-based, and that you select the Sundry check box.
You can only designate one account type for suspense accounts. The Use for Suspense Accounts is not displayed if a suspense account type already exists.
You can use any account number format for the suspense account. We recommend that you define an account number format with two segments: a string like "SUSPENSE" and a single digit counter starting with 1. This allows the creation of a suspense account with account number SUSPENSE1. Only one suspense account is needed.
From Access Control, you should revoke most access items for the suspense account type. Leave only these access items selected:
- Global Update
- Log
- Manage Account
See "Suspense accounts" in the Infor Public Sector Billing User Guide.