GL simulation
After you complete your general ledger setup, we recommend that you use the simulator to test your configuration before you activate the General Ledger feature.
To use the simulator, select the GL Simulator tab in General Ledger Setup, enter the parameters to select transactions, and click .
The results are shown in the SIMULATION RESULTS grid. For each transaction, the DR Budget # and CR Budget # columns show the debit and credit budget numbers that would be used.
The DR Match Log and CR Match Log columns indicate how the debit and credit budget numbers were selected. For example, the DR Match Log column might show a message like this:
Transaction Des/Type specifies Revenue in GL Account Mapping. No Budget # Override found. Used Revenue budget # xxx-yyy-zzz from GL Account Setup.
In this case the GL ACCOUNT MAPPING grid specifies Revenue as the GL account for the transaction, and no budget number override was found, so the budget number for the Revenue account is selected.
If no GL account is specified for a transaction type, the match log might show a message like this:
Transaction Des/Type specifies no account in GL Account Mapping. Suspense specifies Debit Error Suspense in GL Account Mapping. No Debit Error Suspense budget # in matched Budget # Override row. Used Debit Error Suspense budget # xxx-yyy-zzz form GL Account Setup.
This indicates that the suspense account was used because no GL account was specified for the transaction type. There is no budget number override, so the budget number specified for the suspense account is selected.
If the transaction meets the conditions for a budget number override, the match log might show a message like this:
Transaction Des/Type specifies Penalty Revenue in GL Account Mapping. Budget # Override found for Penalty Revenue. Used Penalty Revenue budget # xxx-yyy-zzz from Budget # Overrides.
Finally, if one of the hard coded GL account overrides applies, the match log might show a message like this:
Transaction Des/Type specifies Penalty Revenue in GL Account Mapping. GL account reassigned to Overpayment per override #3. No Budget # Override found. Used Overpayment budget # xxx-yyy-zzz from GL Account Setup.
The system-defined overrides are identified by number.
See GL account overrides.