Discounts and surcharges
To apply a discount or surcharge, you must define a one-off line item and select Discount or Surcharge from the Type list. Then add the one-off line item to a bill type and indicate which other line items it applies to.
See Bill type discounts and surcharges.
By default, discount and surcharge amounts are multiplied by the sum of their associated line items. For example, to create a 10% discount, you would use a rate table that returns the discount amount as 0.10. To apply a discount or surcharge as a flat rate, add a value formula that returns 1.0 to the line item. The discount or surcharge is then applied as a flat charge rather than a multiplier.
If you select Surcharge from the Type list, the Rate Change list is also shown. Select one of these options to indicate how to calculate the surcharge if the rate changes during a billing period:
- Prorate Charges: The surcharge is prorated based on the number of days each rate was active during the billing period.
- Newest Rate Only: The most recent rate is used for the entire billing period.
- Oldest Rate Only: The oldest rate is used for the entire billing period.