Creating a trade waste service definition
Trade waste services are used to bill customers for the disposal of waste materials, either through the sewer system or by delivering them to a waste disposal facility. If wastes are discharged through the sewer system, customers are billed based on the amounts of various chemicals they discharge, calculated as a percentage of water usage. If wastes are delivered to a processing facility, the charge is typically calculated by weight, and may also involve sampling of the waste for different chemicals.
To create a trade waste service, select the Use Trade Waste check box while editing the service definition. Infor Public Sector then shows the grid at the bottom of the page, which you can use to record the types of waste your agency bills for.
To add a waste type, click Min Reading field, Infor Public Sector will use this as the minimum usage reading for the waste type. If the actual reading is below this value, the customer will be charged for the minimum. For consumption-based services with SIC or fixed rate types, you can also specify a rate or flat charge for each waste type. (See below.)
above the grid and specify the waste type code, the effective date, and other information such as the EPA category and the disposal area that accepts the waste type. If you specify a value in theIf you select Quantity or Value as the service type under , it is assumed that trade wastes will be delivered to a facility rather than discharged into the sewer system. To bill customers for this type of service, you can use the Manage Account page to record information on waste deliveries. For this type of service, you must also record the agency's operating hours, because customers may be charged a late fee for wastes delivered outside these hours.
If you select Consumption as the service type and select a meter type in the Asset list, it is assumed that wastes are discharged into the sewer system. For this type of service, Infor Public Sector enables the Rate list next to the Use Trade Waste check box, which indicates how Infor Public Sector will calculate the trade waste charge. You can select one of three options:
- SIC: The charge is based on standard industrial classifications that calculate the concentrations of different chemicals based on the type of business. The concentration is typically measured as a percentage of the customer's water usage, although you can also charge a flat amount.
- Fixed: Similar to SIC, but the agency specifies its own fixed rates rather than using the SIC rates.
- Dynamic: Rather than using fixed values, the concentrations of different chemicals are measured based on periodic sampling. You can use the Manage Account page to record sample results. The customer will be charged based on the average of the samples for a billing period. If you select Dynamic, Infor Public Sector also enables the Waste Max field, which you can use to specify a minimum value in parts per million before customers will be billed for trade waste discharge.