Penalty Table Setup tree nodes
This table describes each node in the Penalty Table Setup tree.
Node | Description |
Penalty Table Setup (root node) | Contains nodes for the penalty codes that your agency uses. |
"Penalty Code"
Node for a penalty code that your agency uses to generate penalties. A penalty code represents a set of rules that Infor Public Sector uses to determine when and how much to charge delinquent accounts. When you click the node, basic information about the penalty code is displayed on the right. This node shows the penalty code’s name and may contain one or more nodes. |
Table" Node for a table of a penalty code. A penalty table is a record that categorizes by date all the charges for a penalty code. When you click the node, basic information about the table is displayed on the right. This node shows the penalty code associated with the table and the table’s effective date. It may contain an node and one or more nodes, or an node and one or more nodes. |
Detail" (Service) Node for a penalty detail based on a particular service used by your agency, such as Water or Garbage. Penalty details represent types of information that must be present in an account for Infor Public Sector to apply the penalty specified in the detail. For example, you may want to apply a penalty to all accounts that have a service definition of SEWER. This node shows the service identification code defined for the detail and, if present, the detail’s effective date. It may contain an node and one or more nodes, or an node and or one or more nodes. |
(Service) Node for a penalty detail that Infor Public Sector creates automatically when you define the first service detail for a table or for another detail. The purpose of the OTHER node is to handle any accounts using the penalty code that use none of the services on which the other penalty details are based. For example, let’s say your agency bills accounts for three services: WATER, SEWER, and GARBAGE. Your agency charges the same penalty for WATER and SEWER but a different one for GARBAGE. Here you would only have to define one penalty detail based on the GARBAGE service and then add setup information to the OTHER detail for the other two services. With this setup, Infor Public Sector would apply the GARBAGE penalty to accounts using GARBAGE service and the OTHER penalty to accounts using WATER or SEWER service. In this example the OTHER node saves you from having to create two duplicate detail nodes during setup. This node shows the effective date, if present, and may contain an node and one or more nodes, or an node and one or more nodes. |
Detail" (Non-Service) Node for a penalty detail based on a non-service piece of information, such as area or account group. A penalty detail represents a piece of information that must be present in an account for Infor Public Sector to apply the penalty specified in the detail. For example, you may want to apply a penalty to all accounts that have an account class of RESIDENTIAL. This node shows the identification code defined for the detail and, if present, the detail’s effective date. It may contain an node and one or more nodes, or an node and one or more nodes. |
(Non-Service) Node for a penalty detail that Infor Public Sector creates automatically when you define the first non-service detail for a table or for another detail. The purpose of the OTHER node is to handle any accounts using the penalty code that don’t have any of the information on which the other penalty details are based. For example, let’s say your agency divides accounts into three classes: RES (residential), COM (commercial), and SPCL (special). Your agency charges the same penalty for RES and COM but a different one for SPCL. Here you would only have to define one penalty detail based on the area code SPCL and then add setup information to the OTHER detail for the other two area codes. With this setup, Infor Public Sector would apply the SPCL detail to accounts in the SPCL class and the OTHER detail to accounts in the RES or COM class. In this example the OTHER node saves you from having to create two duplicate detail nodes during setup. This node shows the effective date, if present, and may contain an node and one or more nodes, or an node and one or more nodes. |