Creating a CDR rate table detail

  1. In the Rate Table Setup tree, right-click the node for a rate table or a rate table detail and select Create [parent node] Details.
  2. Specify the business object property this detail is based on.
    The Most Common Sources grid shows a list of properties that are available for rate table details. To use one of the listed properties, select it in the grid. If you don't see the property that you want, you can click the popup button to the right of the "Other Table" field to select from a more extensive list of properties. (The name of this field varies depending on the CDR module that you're working with, such as Other Building Permits Table, Other Project Table, and so on.)

    The list of properties in the Most Common Sources grid is defined in the RateTable configuration in the Configuration Editor. You can edit this configuration to add or remove properties, such as adding agency-defined properties to the grid.

    See Adding common sources.

  3. Select the detail type from the Select a Rate Type list.
    For CDR rate tables, you can create four types of details: flat amount, range consumption, range per unit, and range flat rate.

    See Rate table detail types.

  4. If the detail you're creating is to be one in a series of stepped rates, select the Range Value check box.
    For CDR rate tables, the general rule of thumb is to always select Range Value if you've selected one of the "range" rate types. This is because CDR handles stepped rates differently from Billing. In a Billing rate table you define all of the steps within a single detail node, but a CDR rate table requires a separate node for each step.

    The Range Value check box is what tells Infor Public Sector to treat the nodes as steps. Ordinarily the business object property that you select for a detail is used for string matching, such as selecting the right node for an account based on its account class code. If you select Range Value, the node source is treated as a quantity rather than a string, and compared to the quantity defined for each step.

    Note that when you’re creating stepped rates for a CDR rate table, each additional step node is created by cloning the first one.

  5. If the detail you're creating is a child of another detail, select the option you want to use from the Parent Value list.
    You can select one of these arithmetical operations:
    • Add: The child value is added to the parent value.
    • Divide: The child value is divided by the parent value.
    • Multiply: The child value is multiplied by the parent value.
    • Percent Of: The parent value is treated as a percentage by which the child is multiplied.
    • Subtract: The child value is subtracted from the parent value.

    You can also select Ignore, in which case the child detail won't use the parent value.

    These values are cumulative. For example, suppose a rate table traverses three nodes, with the child nodes both set to Add. If each of the three nodes returns a value of $10, then the result will be $30.

  6. Specify the date the detail takes effect in the Effective Date field.
    If the detail you're creating is a child of another detail, the effective date is inherited from the parent by default. In that case the Effective Date field is display-only, and shows the same effective date as the parent. To set a different effective date for the child, you can unselect the Inherit From Parent check box to make the Effective Date field editable.
  7. Click Save.
    If you didn't select the Range Value check box, Infor Public Sector opens the Select Rate Table Detail dialog box, which shows a list of available values for the property the detail is based on. If you did select Range Value, Infor Public Sector saves the detail, and labels it with the name of the selected business object property. You can then clone the detail to create additional steps, and specify the value and rate for each step.
  8. For a non-range CDR detail, select the value you want to use and click Select.
    Infor Public Sector saves the detail and adds a node for it to the Rate Table Setup tree. In addition, Infor Public Sector adds an OTHER node under the detail's node. The OTHER node serves as a default in cases where the value of the selected property doesn't match the value of any existing detail.

    For example, a rate table that is used to calculate building application fees has a detail based on the Work Type property. This detail has different calculations defined for the NEW (new construction) and REM (remodel) work types. For all other work types, Infor Public Sector will select the OTHER node.

  9. To specify a rate for this detail, click the detail node to show its information in the right panel and then click the Edit button.