Special rules for Billing details

Depending on the property that you select, special processing rules are defined for certain Service Based and One-off Charge details.

Usually only one node is processed in each branch of the rate table, but multiple nodes may be processed if you select one of these properties when defining a Service Based detail:

  • Garbage Field
  • Garbage Item
  • Quantity Field
  • Quantity Item
  • Trade Waste Type
    Note: If you select the Trade Waste Type property, you must select RangeConsumption as the rate type.

For example, each account has only one account class, so a detail based on the Account Class property will select the node that matches the current account's class. However, an account can have multiple garbage fields representing different types of waste containers, all of which must be processed to bill the customer for a solid waste service. When processing an account, Infor Public Sector will select each node that matches one of the account's garbage fields.

After all the nodes are processed, Infor Public Sector sums the results to calculate the total amount. If the detail is a child of another detail, Infor Public Sector will also apply the calculation defined in the Parent Value list. The calculation is applied to each node separately.

For example, suppose a Garbage Field detail has one node for trash bins and one for recycling bins. The detail is a child of another detail, and the selection in the Parent Value list is Add. When processing a particular account, the parent node returns a value of 5 and the two Garbage Field nodes return 3 and 4.

Parent (5)	 
   Trash Bin (3) (Add)
   Recycling Bin (4) (Add) 

The parent value is added to each child value, giving this result:

(5 + 3) + (5 + 4) = 17

Now suppose each of the Garbage Field nodes has a child Additional Charge node with the Parent Value list set to Multiply. The Additional Charge nodes return values of 2 and 3.

Parent (5)	 
   Trash Bin (3) (Add)
      Additional Charge (2) (Multiply)
   Recycling Bin (4) (Add) 
      Additional Charge (3) (Multiply) 

In this case the parent value is added to the value for the first Garbage Field node, and the result is then multiplied by the first Additional Charge value. The process is then repeated for the second Garbage Field node, giving this result:

((5 + 3) * 2) + ((5 + 4) * 3) = 43

Processing garbage field details for 0 values

Normally rate details are skipped if the source value is zero at the time a bill is generated, but there might be cases where you want to process details for garbage fields even if the value is 0. For example, a garbage service might need to be billed after the value of the field changes from a positive number to 0 during the billing period.

The Garbage Rate Processing Mode attribute on the PROCESSINGRULES node in the RateTable configuration determines whether rate details based on garbage fields are processed when the value is 0. If the value of this attribute is All, then garbage field details are always processed, regardless of the value.

Water Meter Size details

If you select the Water Meter Size property when defining a Service Based or One-off Charge detail, Infor Public Sector will follow the rule specified by the Meter Size Processing Mode attribute on the PROCESSINGRULES node in the RateTable configuration. The processing rule indicates how Infor Public Sector will process consumption for accounts with multiple meters of different sizes. These are the options:

  • None: The consumption for all meters is added together and then run through each meter size node.
  • Average: The entire consumption for all meters is run through each meter size node. Infor Public Sector then takes the average of the results.
  • Split: Consumption for each meter is run through the node for its meter size only.
  • Highest: The entire consumption for all meters is run through the node for the largest meter size.
  • Lowest: The entire consumption for all meters is run through the node for the smallest meter size.