Creating an adjustment or refund line item type

For adjustment and refund line items, you can specify the approvals that are required, such as requiring a supervisor's approval for any adjustment greater than $250.

If your agency is using the standard approval functionality, specify the amounts that users who are assigned to different approval levels can approve. If you're using Advanced Approval, you associate an approval group with the line item. To use Advanced Approval, activate the Advanced Adjustment Approval and Advanced Refund Approval features in Feature Switches.

In either case, if you do not enter any approval information in the line item setup, then no approval is required.

  1. Select Billing > Setup > Billing > Line Item Setup.
  2. Right-click an Adjustment, DepositAdjustment, or Refund node in the Line Item Setup tree and select Create "Line Item" Setup.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the line item.
    Effective Date
    Specify the date when the line item will be effective.
  4. If you're using the standard approval functionality, enter the maximum amounts users at different approval levels can authorize.
    A field is displayed for each approval level you've defined, from the highest to the lowest. For example, fields may be labeled Executive, Manager, Supervisor, and Employee. In each field, enter the maximum amount users at that level can approve. The amount you enter in each field must be lower than the one above it.
    Note: The amount that you enter for the highest approval level will be the maximum amount that any user can enter. For example, if the maximum amount for the Executive level is $25,000, no user can enter an adjustment or refund greater than this amount, because no one has the authority to approve it.

    Select Co-Sign to the right of an approval level field to indicate that each adjustment or refund submitted by a user at that level must be co-signed by another user at the same level or higher.

  5. If you're using Advanced Approval, specify the approval group you want to use for line items of this type in the Approval Group field.
    The approval group defines the approvals that are required for line items of this type. You can also select an approval scheme in the Approval Scheme field to send line items of this type to the selected scheme. If you don't enter a scheme, the correct scheme will be selected for each submission based on the rules defined for the approval group.
  6. Click Save.