Creating a one-off line item type

One-off line items are charges that applied to accounts one time, such as a charge for a service call or an administrative fee. One-off charges must also be added to bill types so customers can be billed for them.

  1. Select Billing > Setup > Billing > Line Item Setup.
  2. Right-click the OneOff node in the Line Item Setup tree and select Create OneOff Setup.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a name for the line item.
    Effective Date
    Specify the date the line item becomes effective.
    For a sundry or utility one-off line item, select the charge type. You can select one of these options:
    • None: Standard one-off charge.
    • Discount: A discount is a separate line item that is calculated based on the value of one or more other line items. The amount of the discount is subtracted from the total bill amount.

      See Discounts and surcharges.

    • Surcharge: A surcharge is similar to a discount, but the surcharge is added to the bill amount.

      See Discounts and surcharges.

    • Donation: If the Donations feature switch is activated, customers can include donations with their bill payments. A donation line item must be associated with the bill type. The Value and Rate Code fields are hidden when you select Donation, because customers will specify their own donation amounts.

      See Donations.

    • Settlement: If the Budget Billing feature switch is activated, you can designate a one-off line item as a budget billing settlement. The settlements is used to bill the customer for the cumulative variance under a budget billing plan. The Value and Rate Code fields are hidden when you select Donation, because the amount of the charge is based on the variance for a budget billing plan.

      See Budget billing line items.

    Rate Code
    Specify the rate code used to calculate the amount of the line item.
  4. Click Save.