Close Accounts Run

The Close Accounts Run task reviews accounts with a Final status and closes the accounts if they meet the closure criteria.

You can specify a condition formula and a number of days that accounts must have passed without transactions before they’re eligible for closure. You can also specify an account log and an alert that Infor Public Sector will add to all closed accounts. This task is typically run once a day.

  1. Query the ACCOUNT table for accounts that match the selection parameters for the task and that meet these criteria:
    • ACCOUNTSTATUS is F (final)
    • Balance is 0.00
    • No credits (ACCOUNT.CREDFLAG = N)
    • Not eligible for refunds (ACCOUNT.ELIGIBLEFORREFUNDFLAG = N)
    • Account is not arranged, and is not in bankruptcy, collections, delinquency, or lien
  2. For each account, ensure that there are no account or deposit transactions within the number of days specified for the run.
  3. If no transactions are found, set ACCOUNTSTATUS to C (Closed) and set CLOSEDATE to the current date.
  4. If an alert type is specified for the run, add the alert to the account.
  5. If a log entry is specified for the run, add the log entry.


This table describes each parameter for this task:

Form Console Description
Days Without Transactions DaysWithoutTransactions (int) Number of days an account must have gone without transactions before it is eligible for closure.
Conditional FormulaConditionalFomulaName (string)Formula that determines whether an account is eligible to be closed.
Conditional FormulaConditionalFormulaKey (int)Used to identify a formula in the console by key rather than formula name.
Account Log AccountLog (string) Type of log entry to be added to each closed account.
Account Alert Alert (int) Type of alert to be added to each closed account.
Account Type AccountType (int) Account type to use as a selection parameter.
Billing Status BillingStatus (string) Billing status to use as a selection parameter.
Billing Cycle BillingCycle (string) Billing cycle to use as a selection parameter.
Account Area AccountArea (string) Account area to use as a selection parameter.
Account Class AccountClass (string) Account class to use as a selection parameter.
Account Group AccountGroup (string) Account group to use as a selection parameter.
Account Subgroup AccountSubGroup (string) Account subgroup to use as a selection parameter.


If the Close Accounts Run task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:

  • Close Accounts Process Started.
  • Starting CloseAccountRun Account # [account #]
  • Successfully completed CloseAccountRun Account # [account #]
  • Close Accounts Process Completed.

In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.CLOSEACCOUNTSRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.

Common errors

This table lists some common errors that this task may return:

Error messageComments
Account # [account #] does not meet the qualifying criteria to close.Indicates that an account isn’t eligible to be closed, either because it doesn’t have enough days without transactions or because it failed the condition formula.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

BILLING.ACCOUNTFor each closed account, sets the ACCOUNTSTATUS to C (Closed) and sets the CLOSEDATE to the current date.
BILLING.ACCOUNTALERTStores any alerts added to closed accounts.
BILLING.CLOSEACCOUNTSRUNStores information on a Close Accounts run, including the parameters used, run key, number of accounts closed, and number of exceptions.
BILLING.LOGStores any log entries added to closed accounts.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Lookup AccountsCan be used to search for accounts by account status.